DOS Error #01: Windows loading, come back tomorrow
DOS Error #04: Out of disk space. Delete Windows? (Y)es (H)ell yes!
Windows Error #01: No error... ...yet.
Windows Error #02: Multitasking attempted. System confused.
Windows Error #03: Unexplained error.
Windows Error #04: Reserved for future mistakes
Windows Error #05: Nonexistent error. This cannot really be happening.
Windows Error #07: Door locked. Try control-alt-delete
Windows Error #08: Keyboard locked. Try anything you can think of.
Windows Error #11: Erronious error. Nothing wrong.
Windows Error #13: Unexplained error. Please tell us how it happened.
Windows Error #14: Uncertainty error. Uncertainty may be inadequate.
Windows Error #15: Unable to figure out our own code. System crashed.
Windows Error #16: Horrible bug encountered - God knows what has happened.
Windows Error #17: Memory hog error - More Ram needed. More! More! More!
Windows Error #18: Unexpected error - Huh ?
Windows Error #19: Error recording error codes - Additional errors will be lost.
Windows Error #20: Error buffer overflow - Too many errors encountered. Additional errors may not be displayed or recorded.
Windows Error #21: Working Error - The system has been working perfectly for the past ten minutes.
Windows Error #33: Mouse not found. Press mouse button to continue.
Windows 6.0 under Windows 3.11: There were made too many changes to this document, so that it cannot be saved. Please save your work and open the document again.
E-mailed Windows jokes
E-mailed Windows jokes
2. Computers are like air conditioners, they stop working properly if you open Windows.
3. My SPARCstation has air condition. No need to open windows.
4. Windows means "Work is never done on Windows systems"
6. Windows 95 the most popular virus on the market today.
7. Windows95 - Plug and pray...
9. Windows - The best $89 solitaire game you can buy
10. Windows - so intuitive you only need a meg of help files!
11. If Windows is user-friendly, why do you need a 678-page manual?
12. Alt-F4. Just do it.
15. This is an air conditioned room - Do not open Windows
16. This virus requires Microsoft Windows 3.x
17. Windows - a virus with mouse support
18. The nice thing about Windows is - It does not just crash, it displays a dialog box and lets you press 'OK' first.
19.Windows95: New look, same multicrashing
19.Windows95: New look, same multicrashing
20. Windows95 will be released as soon as Windows 3.1 finishes loading
23. Have you crashed your Windows today?
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